End Canada's attempt to silence artist

Because of pressure from the Government of Canada, artist Franke James was forced to cancel a planned tour of Europe. This not the first time the Harper Government has silenced those who blow the whistle on the country's shocking environmental record.

This kind of anti-democratic intimidation must stop. Insist the Government of Canada stop trying to muzzle free speech and free artistic expression.
We the undersigned urge you to put an end to the Government of Canada's blacklisting of climate change artist Franke James. Pressure on sponsors and potential sponsors of a planned European tour was so great that Ms. James was forced to cancel her tour. This is unworthy of a democracy.

Franke James is a credit to Canada. Her work is internationally recognized because of her ability to address difficult environmental issues through art and storytelling, without preaching or insisting on a particular viewpoint.

Canada's reputation as a free and just society will be enhanced by your leadership on this. Thank you for your consideration of our request.
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