Rikers Guards are Sexually Assaulting Female Visitors

Apparently Rikers prison guards have been allegedly sexually assaulting female visitors who come to see prisoners. 

This is absolutely unacceptable. Sign the petition to ask Mayor DeBlasio to bypass the department of corrections and investigate the claims.

Women have been coming to visit friends and family at the prison and then will be guided into a nearby bathroom and stripsearched, cavity searched and sometimes violently handled during the process. Department of corrections policy expressly says no strip or cavity searches of visitors in prisons, but it is still happening. The city installed cameras to try to prevent abuse in 2016, but it continued into 2017.

Please sign to demand New York City actually investigates this and gets the crooked officers out of there immediately.

These women are just trying to visit their loved ones and they end up victims of a violent sexual crime. We cannot stand for this.
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