Red Dead Redemption - PC

Red Dead Redemption is a video game released by Rockstar Games in May 2010 for Playstation 3 and XBOX 360. Red Dead Redemption is a Wild West Shooter that follows John Marston, a former outlaw, while he sets out to hunt down his former gang members. Red Dead Redemption has multiplayer, single-player and co-op game modes, each tailored perfectly to their open world surroundings in different ways. Basically, this is a really awesome game. 

The complete aim of this petition is to convince Rockstar Games that Releasing Red Dead Redemption on PC (Via Steam and/or direct download) is a good idea that is desperately required, that the current fanbase of the game would more than likely purchase the game again on PC and most importantly that releasing Read Dead Redemption on PC is a very profitable move that would give a large fanbase who don't play console games the possibility of playing such an awesome game.

[The image used in this petition is copyrighted to Rockstar Games. Some content in this petition is directly quoted from Wikipedia, So, I'm just giving credit for that. Finally, 500k signatures may sloads like a huge goal, but Rockstar Games is a big company]

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