NJBPU: A More Strict Move for Movers

It is discovered that eight moving companies in New Jersey are reported to lack licenses and legal permission from the authority.

I, the undersigned, would like to petition the to be more effective in implementing the rules and regulations among moving companies in regards to the strict compliance of requirements and licenses. This is indispensable in order to observe legal and genuine service to the consumers.

Recently, eight moving companies are now facing civil penalties because they are found to be scams. These illegalities are done discretely making the customers totally unaware of the true background of service. Because there’s a lack of immediate and stringent monitoring, companies are tolerated and their operations are still going on. In line with this, I believe that in order to avoid these certain violations, the commission must be responsible in taking serious actions on this matter.

I believe NJBPU must encourage all moving companies to surely secure the legal papers required before they can operate. The trust of the consumers will not be compromised if there’s enough credibility possessed by them.



the underdesigned,

Amanda Harris - Assistant Writer for moving lead providers

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