Urge the Australian Government to Take a Stand to Promote Women in Gaza

During the current conflict in Gaza, it's imperative that we do not forget about Palestinian women and children. An end to the killing, displacement and community destruction is critical, but we must also ensure that women's voices are heard in the peace process.

50% of Palestinians injured in recent conflict are women and children. Gender-based abuse is at a high risk level due to internal displacement that leads to exploitation and violence within shelters. The situation is dire for all Palestinians, but women and children are among those who are most afflicted.

While we need to uphold and maintain women and children's rights in times of crisis, we can't forget to include the gender perspective when entering into peace-time. The UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security mandates that women play an active participating role in peace processes. It's times like these where women need to be promoted to active leadership positions in securing a future that includes equality and peace.

Call upon the Australian government today to use their power and influence in the Security Council to make sure than International Humanitarian Law and the UNSCR 1325 are upheld. Sign the petition asking the Australian government to ensure that all women must play an active role in the long-term peace negotiations and conflict resolution.

Dear Representative Julie Bishop, 

I am calling upon you and the Australian government to promote women and children's rights during the conflict in Gaza. Your strong leadership in expanding women's rights is imperative during times like these. Half of the people injured in Gaza have been women and children. Additionally, they are facing exploitation and violence as overcrowding becomes an issue in shelters for the thousands who have been internally displaced. 

We need to ensure that women's rights are upheld and that Palestine sees an immediate ceasefire. In peace negotiations and future long-term solutions to the conflict, it's important that we not forget about women's right to participate. The UNSCR 1324 mandates that women play an acive role in peace processes. We must use our government's influence in the Security Council to ensure that women are empowered in Gaza! 

[Your comments here]

I conclude by asking the government of Australia to take a stand to promote women's leadership and empowerment in Gaza, both during conflict and post-crisis. 


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