Disney: Don't Promote Unhealthy Body Images to Children!

  • av: Ann W.
  • mottagare: The Walt Disney Company

Disney recently recreated its most beloved classic cartoon characters for an upcoming holiday promotion for Barney’s Department Stores. In the new ads, Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Daisy Duck and Goofy are all at least 5’11 in height, and are strutting sexily down a Paris Runway wearing clothes designed by Dolce & Gabbana and other high-end labels. Their limbs are gangly and their bodies have no shape. These new characters send a terrible message to young children reinforcing an already prevalent attitude that you have to be stick thin to be stylish.

Every day, children are inundated with unhealthy media images encouraging them to aim for unrealistic ideals of beauty perpetrated by corporate marketing machines. This has ultimately led to a nation of people with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

Please tell Disney NOT to allow these beloved characters to be used in such an unhealthy manner!

Attn: Walt Disney Company

We (the undersigned) are deeply disappointed that Disney characters which are beloved by children all over the world, are now being used to promote unhealthy body images that can ultimately lead to eating disorders.

Disney should continue to stand as a wholesome role model for the children of the world who have made the company what it is today.

Please stop allowing Disney characters to be used this way!


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