Incarcerate Stephanie Astacio and Irving Osuna for assisting murder.

Due to the recent tragic act by the "Trinitario gang" a 15 year old "Lesandor Feliz" was dragged, beaten, hacked, and stabbed by machetes/knives in the Bronx, NY. Local and worldwide citizens demand the incarceration of Stephanie Astacio for the false claims/accusations of Rape, plotting/ encouraging the assassination of Guzman, and 2nd second degree murder for a successful massacre.
Irving Osuna for plotting/ encouraging the assassination of Guzman, and 2nd degree murder for successful massacre.
In the state of New York, I demand the NYPD to take further investigation, be held without bail, and charged with the following above for carrying out a murderous crime. For the justice of "Lesandro Feliz" we must stop these criminals and a lesson for all!

For more updates @envyviterii on instagram

A special word from me to you

"God will shine light for this movement ♥ and thanks to you we are able to make a difference in this world. May god protect you and your family each and every single day ♥." 

Also may Junior rest in peace in paradise! 

Remember to sign, post, and share we can make this a global matter for our youths. 

Uppdatera #25 år sedan
100k is our goal, when sharing please tag the NYPD for an immediate response towarda my petition.
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thank you for everyone who has signed, not only are we making a change but we are cleaning our streets and keeping these criminals in jail! We are united!
#TeamJunior #WeAreUnited each single signature counts, every step we are closer than before. God will shine the light in this movement, we will make history.
For more updates, @envyviterii on Instagram
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