Take the #LocalChristmas Challenge!

Big corporations are on the rise. Smaller businesses are suffering.

Take these simple steps to support smaller businesses this Christmas.

    1. Sign & share to pledge your support and take the challenge
    2. Buy at least one of your Christmas presents from a small business 
    3. Tell your friends! Use #LocalChristmas to let others know what you've found.

If you own a small business use #LocalChristmas to get noticed.

** Some other ways you can your bit this Christmas... **

  • If you find yourself on the High Street and need a break, look for a one-off coffee shop or cafe. There's loads of them out there!
  • Try local farms and markets for your Christmas meal. You might just find the food's cheaper and fresher! 
  • And when you've had a few sherries, why not order a local taxi?

Don't let massive corporations pocket all your Christmas cash - take the #LocalChristmas Challenge to support smaller businesses!

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