I want to make a difference and change the way courts and landlords deal with tenants who are being deprived of their rights and laws!!!...Demand on fighting for Tenants rights that are broken by Landlords in Court!!!…

My landlord and I have a stipulation by Norwich Housing Court Judge to relieve myself from paying rent if no repairs get done. I paid my rent 3 months after the judge's order in August 2021 where I was to hold my rent but I paid my rent in Good faith and now my landlord is harassing and bullying me for his money and the law is not helping me do anything about it. I call the police they can't help because it's a civil matter but yet they are taking his side even with evidence proof. They are letting him get away with murder in other words. We need to change the laws on our tenants' laws and rights!!!... My landlord also brings over a criminal, thief, and bully as a maintenance worker to do repairs and harass me. The Police officers need to start Serving and Protecting our communities... they are here for just a paycheck they don't care about us, (Citizens) Humans. 

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