Catholic Church: Don't Use Students to Fight Against Gay Marriage!

The Catholic Church is using students to pursue a political agenda. 

The Catholic Education Service, who act on behalf of Catholic bishops in Wales and England, recently contacted every taxpayer-funded secondary school in England and Wales and asked them to encourage students to sign a petition against gay marriage. The 385 schools were also presented with a letter that says it is Catholics' "duty" to preserve traditional marriage. 

Not only is this against sections 406 and 407 in the 1996 Education Act, which prohibits political indoctrination of students and requires that political stances not be presented in bias ways, but it encourages impressionable young children into bigotry and to discriminate -- all at schools funded by taxpayers! This is especially detrimental to LGBT students attending these schools.

Please tell the Catholic Education Service to stop using students to fight against gay marriage! 

Please stop using students to pursue a political agenda -- specifically fighting against gay marriage. 

This violates the 1996 Education Act, and also encourages young children to discriminate and take part in bigotry, some who may be LGBT themselves.

This is wrong and needs to be stopped. 

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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