Remove California Judge for Rape Comments!

  • av: Ann W.
  • mottagare: California Commission on Judicial Performance

California Superior Court Judge Derek Johnson told a rape victim that “her attack was only technical because she didn’t put up a fight.” He went on to state:

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something. If someone doesn't want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case.”

The Commission on Judicial Performance issued the Judge a public admonishment, but he remains on the job. This is unacceptable! He must be removed from the bench to protect other rape victims from further trauma and injustice. How many rapists have been or will be set free because of Judge Johnson?

Judge Johnson has proven himself not only unfit to preside over rape cases, but his comments have no basis in common sense or science. He should be removed from the bench immediately!

Orange County Superior Court Judge Derek Johnson was recently admonished for his illogical, unsubstantiated comments and actions regarding victims of rape. 

His words reflect a bias against rape victims and a fundamental failure to provide justice through clear thinking.

We (the undersigned) do not feel he is fit to serve in a judicial capacity and ask that he be removed from the judicial bench immediately!


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