Bring Back Spyro the Dragon!

Sign the petition to help bring Spyro the Dragon back to PlayStation where he belongs! We're not talking about Skylanders, but good old classic Spyro. The little purple dragon who stole our hearts all those years ago! We want this thing to go viral So that it will raise heads at Sony to get them to consider obtaining the IP back or at least have control over Spyro in some way. Spyro deserves a place in the PlayStation family, he's been there from the start. Don't let him fade away to nothing.

Activision don't care about what happens to Spyro. To them, he is just a cash cow. A way for them to make more money. What they don't see is the potential this character has to make an amazing comeback and please so many fans. Sony would make a much better home for Spyro, I really feel that they could do him some justice.

Sony are listening, we just need to make our voices heard! #BringBackSpyro

EDIT! Head on over to our friends other petition as well and be sure to give that a sign! The more we make our voices heard the better chance we stand at getting what we want! What Spyro deserves.

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