Help offer support to Christians in Iraq

  • av: Cassandra Bernard
  • mottagare: Organizations willing to step up to the plate in offering support

This is important because no one should suffer for their faith or belief if they do not present a threat to society.

People should care because we should want others to experience the same freedom and benefits that we enjoy (2 Cor 1:4).

I am a Christian and I am moved and saddened by the current state of affairs. In the event I am so afflicted, I would appreciate others caring about my affliction.

This will enable hundreds of Christians living in Iraq under threat from ISIS to obtain the required freedom.

Uppdatera #310 år sedan

Much has happened in the news in relation to the Christians in Iraq.

As a result of the unfriendliness of ISIS, I will not persist with this petition for the safety of all signatories thereto, but instead urge each signatory to donate at "CatholicOnline.Org":

This petition will be closed soon, but the fight continues...One love.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan

The threat presented to Christians and other minorities has been in the news as expected. Three important updates are:




Thank God for those who have managed to escape!!!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan

The current status is as follows:

The Catholic Church, the main organisation hoped to be targeted by this petition, in order to receive assistance in approaching other organisations, is already playing a major role.

I therefore recommend you to visit the following link for further information:

As our fellow Christian friends continue to pray, we earnestly hope that they will be delivered from further genocide in time.

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