Stop Unconstitutional Debtors' Prisons!

  • av: Kristi Arnold
  • mottagare: John Hickenlooper, Colorado governor

Colorado cities are sending individuals to jail for failure to pay fines and fees. The U.S. Supreme Court says jailing someone who can't afford to pay a fine is unconstitutional. Since Colorado cities aren't determining the ability to pay, they're filling debtors prisons by creating a loophole in the law.

Similar revivals of debtors prisons are being seen in Ohio, Georgia and Alabama.

Tell these states and cities to stop jailing people for being unable to afford fines and fees. Not only does the imprisonment of these debtors violate the constitution, it also costs the cities money. The daily cost of holding an individual is often more than the cost of the fines and fees they owe! The taxpayers are being asked to foot the bill, twice. Unpaid fines, plus the cost of debtors' imprisonment costs the taxpayers money.

No more debtors' prisons in the United States! Stop unconstitutional incarceration and the waste of taxpayers' money.

Governor Hickenlooper,

We the undersigned ask that you stop debtors' prisons. Colorado cities are sending individuals to jail for failure to pay fines and fees. The U.S. Supreme Court says jailing someone who can't afford to pay a fine is unconstitutional. Since Colorado cities aren't determining the ability to pay, they're filling debtors prisons by creating a loophole in the law.

Ensure that your cities stop jailing people for being unable to afford fines and fees. Not only does the imprisonment of these debtors violate the constitution, it also costs the cities money. The daily cost of holding an individual is often more than the cost of the fines and fees they owe! The taxpayers are being asked to foot the bill, twice. Unpaid fines, plus the cost of debtors' imprisonment costs the taxpayers money.

No more debtors' prisons. We need your help to stop unconstitutional incarceration and the waste of taxpayers' money.

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