Heroin epidemic

I have two sons currently active users. It started about a year ago and as the time goes on it seems to get worse. I have done everything i can as a parent to get them help considering they are both legal adults and one is married. There is only so much i can do. which is little to nothing.

Our officer are out here trying to do whats right by bringing these dealers down. Many of the dealers have been locked up over and over and still nothing but a PR (PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE BOND). How is this helping our fellow officers? its a slammed in there face to see they have been released. Many dealers have been busted by the police here in my home town only to get a smack on the hand' but that still doesn't take care of the problem considering no justice is being served, this is everywhere.

Both of my kids have come close to losing their lives multiple times and i cant bare to watch them harm themselves any longer. With them being of age there's nothing i can further do, no active user is gonna seek help under the influence, there only worry is 'catching the next high.'  I have lost my brother to this battle now its time we fight it together and get help for our children, brothers , sister's and so forth. 

I believe as a parent of two active users or any active user we as parents should be able to receive the right to have our children forced the help regardless of there age due to this choice which is life threatening, a active user will stand in the face of anyone as say they have no problem. I want nothing more then my children to get help but they wont do it on there own

My reasons for this petition is to get this passed in a law form, for any parent with proof of them being active users to be ordered 30 to 60 days in a rehab or some type of help. I have called courts i have called commissioners, adult services, i have got no where, this is my last resort to help our youths and adults. Let's get our goal so we can make changes .

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