Rename Lee Davis High School to Schlothauer Mraz High School.

Controversy over a local Mechanicsville county high school in Virginia has gone too far after the NAACP is finally taking actions to sue, god bless, and it is time for a change. Be the change you wish to see in this flourishing community full of new startup pizza joints and Callabash by signing this online petition TODAY!

By far the best and brightest of the alumni (no comment on the unknown alumni) shall be honored eternally as part of the brand new title of this soon to be beautifully named high school; and I would say soon to be restored to its former glory, but it was never much of anything to begin with.

Fun factoid- Jack Ikenberry was in the running (get it) to have his name be a part of the new Schlothauer Mraz tradition, but it didn't run deep enough, and by that I mean it wasn't difficult enough to spell. Oh well better luck next time to him, now hit the road Jack.

Thank you for reading, go Colfederates... I mean Mrazzers, and stay safe Schlothauer Mraz.

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