Sensible Parking Requirements Real Estate Development = Responsible Development

Over the past year it has become apparent that the parking ordinance used for new real estate development effectively exacerbates an existing and increasing problem with parking, traffic, and pedestrian safety.

As an example, the current ordinance allowed a new 160+ seat restaurant/venue (Station 117) to be approved and completed with a net additional four parking spaces. This included the loss of public on street parking spaces to provide access to the onsite lot.

Despite many suggestions by residents and taxpayers the BH Borough Council and our Borough Manager have ignored this growing issue. This is irresponsible governance.

I am signing this petition as a registered voter in Beach Haven, as provided by the Faulkner Act. My request is that this revised ordinance be adopted effective 8/24/19, the date of this petition. I also request that the new parking ordinance include a clause that any exceptions as a result of new development and/or major renovation of existing properties with a capacity of over 40 patrons be subject to a voter referendum.

Our expectation as registered voters is that our elected representatives support this effort towards responsible development and governance.
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