Stop the carnival stop the violence

    There's a carnival that comes into the urban community once a year usually on the third Saturday of August and before the carnival begins they have something called Juve if I'm pronouncing was spelling that incorrectly please excuse me and there's the whole day of drinking smoking weed dressing provocatively but not only that the worst part of it is our children see violence and experienced violence families lose loved ones people are stabbed hurt shot Rob and it's all being celebrated and don't one thing that hurts me also is that elderly disabled people for that one day stuck in their homes because they block off some of these streets for traffic and not everybody should have to succumb to the parade that everybody wants to celebrate violent it's enough of it without giving it a platform and I just think that if it comes the time now we have to stand up and preserve what's good what's left in our community that's good this day is just like a day for Slaughter and has turned into nothing good is has come over I say take it down in front of Headquarters downtown in the police station where the Puerto Rican festival is and leave it there you know where can be controlled it's just hurtful to wake up to hear all the post in the news and everything about people getting shot stabbed robbed and it just intensifies it these events happening I think it's time to stop it
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