Improve Conditions at Murray Dog Park LIC

Murray dog park could use some upgrades. Compared to surrounding dog parks in Long Island City, Murray Park is run down, dusty, littered with ill placed stones which cut canine feet, and throw away lawn furniture. The entry gate sticks and poses a hazard when little dogs can slip through and onto the major road adjacent to it. We'd like to bring the community and supporters of Murray Dog Park together to find funding for upgrades. Murray Dog Park serves a large population of dogs from surrounding buildings; therefore, the conditions of the dog park should reflect that.

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thanks to everyone who signed thus far! We still need another 250 signatures - if you could please share with friends, neighbors and your dog walking service,groomer etc... we'd like to take it to the City Council.

Help us help our furry friends! They don't have opposable thumbs!!
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