Stop blinding bright residential streetlights

Seattle City Light is degrading the charm of Magnolia by replacing street lights with ultra bright 4000K (we have 2100K now). 24 hours of daylight. Unwelcoming and unhealthy. And ugly new fixtures to boot. They are already being installed under the banner of "experimental". This is not true. They are meant to be permanent and we are asking they be remedied.
Other cities are using new LEDs (much more economical, that's good) but with a warmer 2700K color temperature.  A senior Seattle City Light administrator has told us that "All Magnolia will be retrofitted (over a period of time)." Rest assured, these bright, intrusive lights will be coming to YOUR street.. Don't let SCL turn our neighborhood into a Wal-Mart parking lot. We are insisting SCL listens to the citizens.

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