Allow Turbans / Sikhs in Quebec Soccer Leagues

  • av: Taran Aujla
  • mottagare: Province of Quebec / Quebec Soccer Federation

The Quebec Soccer Federation says if Sikh kids want to play soccer while wearing a turban, there's an easy solution: they can play in their own backyard.

However, the entire world is against this decision, including the Canadian Soccer Association and FIFA itself. Yet, Quebec Soccer Federation (with the support of the Quebec government) has still decided to impose their ban. A minor sports related incident, became a political issue of "Quebec vs. Canada", using innocent Sikh children as bait to push the sovereign agenda by Quebec separatists. Children that may have no idea what is actually going on. As adults, its our responsability to act against this unfounded ban. 

Please sign the petition, comment, voice your opinion and share if you believe that a sikh turban is not considered "dangerous" to a soccer player himself or others playing the game. Let Kids Play Soccer. Soccer is a game of the world, for the world - as stated by FIFA. 

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