Release Disney's 1940's Animated Package Films On DVD & Blue Ray Uncut

Since Disney has only released the original uncut version of "Saludos Amigos" on the 2008 Walt & El Grupo DVD release. Disney should re-release all 6 of their package films from the 1940's as 2-movie packs with an option to watch the films (original) uncut or (family friendly) edited versions so that way it would make the collectors happy (only for Saludos Amigos, Make Mine Music, Melody Time). Here's how they should release them as:

      • Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros: The Complete Caballeros Collection

      • Make Mine Music and Melody Time: The Musical Collection

      • Fun and Fancy Free and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: The Story Collection

Sign this petition and contact Disney to release these films on DVD and Blu Ray in their original theatrical releases.

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