Rental Assistance Demonstration is a program under the new Mayors DiBlasio and Governor Cuomo Plan to Build Unaffordable housing to the people across New York City like NYCHA and other HUD funded Buildings which is a Violation of the CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS LAW 24 TITLE CFR 964 ALONG WITH TITLE 24 CFR 135 as it PERTAINS to Low and Very Low Income Families called the Indian and Urban Fair Housing Act 1937 AMMENDMENT in 1968 which prohibits private REAL ESTATE INVESTORS from building on the land with out the PUBLIC families making these decisions under there Resident Association Boards, Community Boards or Block Association Boards these boards hold the RESPONSIBILITY to address the concerns and needs of the RESIDENTS. WE ARE THE TAX PAYER, VOTERS, INVESTORS OF THIS LAND IT IS OUR RIGHT TO HAVE OUR VOICES HEARD. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION SO WE CAN SAY NO TO THE MAYORS AND GOVERNORS PLAN AT CONGRESS LEVEL TO BUILD UNAFFORDABLE HOUSING AND KEEP AND HONOR THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS OF LAWS. IT IS DAMAGING TO OUR LIVES YOU WOULD HAVE DISINVESTMENT OF THE PROPERTY WHICH IS ALREADY STANDING TO BUILD NEW UNAFFORDABLE HOUSING RIGHT IN OUR CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND
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