We would love to see Republic and Imperial Commandos return to the Star Wars universe!

Sign the petition to bring back the Republic/Imperial commandos to Star Wars; more video games, animation and inclusion in the movies!

Your address WILL NOT be used for anything other than validation of the petition and will not be listed publicly (Other than your state), so don't worry about the sign in.  There is no obligation whatsoever, just fill in the information and we'll be seeing our favorite clones before long.


o We are fans of the Republic Commandos and would love to see them return in your future productions
o We were greatly disappointed that the Republic Commando video sequel was never produced and we would love to know what happened to Sev
o All of Karen Traviss' RC novels best sellers
o They could easily be integrated in the upcoming Rebels animated series as Imperial Commandos
o The fans reacted with hysterical excitement and applause during Celebration V when a clip from the Clone Wars Season 3 revealed the fab 4 Commandos of Delta Squad
o Numerous fan sites have flourished and are gaining momentum despite the fact that the RC's have had such limited presence in the Star Wars world
o Gregor, a Republic Commando appearing in Season V TCW has a massive online following
o Disney / Lucasfilm, PLEASE bring back the Republic Commandos or Imperial Commandos in your future productions!  Thanks! 

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