Bring back Peter Parker as The Amazing Spider-Man!

For fans of amazing spider-man comic books! I'm sure at least 95% percent of us hated "dying wish" and especially its conclusion with Peter Parker's pointless death. I mean Otto Octavius as Spider-Man?? WTF?? So all of a sudden Otto learns with great power comes great responsibility after litteraly robbing Peter Parker of his life?? If  that were reasonable, then his bluff in "Ends of The Earth" wouldn't have been a bluff. And besides, Peter did so much good, he didn't deserve a pointless emotionless death. Ultimate Spider-Man's death was better!! At least HE died a hero, unlike 616 peter. So this is targeted to you Dan Slott. Marvel. Joe Quesada. How about do something like Tony Stark finds out what happens and uses his super genius-y to restore Peter Parker as Spider-Man and kill Otto Octavius. Sincerely, Many Angry fans who probably won't even glace at "Superior Spider-Man" when it hits stands.

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