Stop the Absurd "Trial" of a Dead Person in Russia

Sergei Magnitsky died in prison at the age of 37, due to apparent medical neglect. He was an accountant whistleblower who was arrested by the very authorities he exposed. That was in November 2009. Investigations into his death have recently been halted, but that isn't stopping the posthumous trial of Magnitsky himself. His "corpse" is now being tried in Moscow on charges of tax evasion.

Russia's supreme court allowed posthumous trials in 2011 as a way of allowing the names of the deceased and their families to be cleared. In this case, the clearing of his name is obviously not the purpose. If anything, Magnitsky's death should be investigated, and this absurd posthumous trial should be dropped.

Please sign this petition for the trial of Sergei Magnitsky to be stopped immediately. The trial makes a mockery of the justice system and is wasting valuable time and resources.

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