All children in our state should have equal educational and work opportunities.  NY DREAM Act provides equal chance for all children to pursue their dreams for higher education. Providing opportunity to all kids and keeping them in our workforce, we ensure better and more vibrant economy and future for New York State and our country.
The NY DREAM Act must address:

1)    All children, regardless of their immigration status, should have access to TAP, and other public scholarships and loans;

2)    All children, regardless of their immigration status, should have access to private tuition assistance (including but not limited to private funds raised with support of NYS government and college savings account with tax deductions/exemptions) for their high education; and

3)    For those who qualify for NY DREAM Act, granting state-issued identifications such as driver’s licenses or non-driver’s state IDs.

I am a NYS resident who believes that all children in our state should have equal educational and work opportunities.  I support the NY DREAM Act that provides equal chance for all children to pursue their dreams for higher education.  I believe, by providing opportunity to all kids and keeping them in our workforce, we ensure better and more vibrant economy and future for New York State and our country.

The NY DREAM Act must address:

1)    All children, regardless of their immigration status, should have access to TAP, and other public scholarships and loans;

2)    All children, regardless of their immigration status, should have access to private tuition assistance (including but not limited to private funds raised with support of NYS government and college savings account with tax deductions/exemptions) for their high education; and

3)    For those who qualify for NY DREAM Act, granting state-issued identifications such as driver’s licenses or non-driver’s state IDs.


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