Demand that the Nicolson institute take a stronger stance on Bullying

Bullying is happening far to frequently in Our children's school. And it's time it was addressed properly!! Children are becoming withdrawn and depressed

This SHOULD NOT be happening!

we need to take action now before something else bad happens!!

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Hi there. I just want to point out that the recent comment about me is not true.
Someone is seriously trying to discredit me. And I don’t know why!
I have the full backing of all my family. And I would certainly like to think I wasnt a vile person.
This petition is all about helping the kids. Not about having a personal attack on me. If you want to attack me then my door is open and you can also phone me txt me or private message me.
I am not a bully nor have I ever been.
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