Demand justice for the unethical firing of the Henderson County Sheriff's Office Veterans

  • av: Henderson County Public
  • mottagare: Sheriff Charlie McDonald/ Henderson County Sheriff's Office, Henderson County, NC

The new sheriff of Henderson County left his first mark on the North Carolina community by unreasonably firing at least six of Henderson County's veteran deputies. The combined training hours of just four of these veterans amounted to 12,000, and a total loss of $240,000 in salaries and expenses is now the aftermath of McDonald's wrongdoing. McDonald fired each of these officers without meeting with any of them beforehand. The officers included some who had served Henderson County for over twenty years, and knew the needs of their community long before McDonald had the idea to run for sheriff.

McDonald stated, "The bottom line goes back to what I've said and that is I have the right to hire and supervise and discharge folks as I see fit and I do that within what works."
McDonald's bottom line was also his first line of defense apparently. The new sheriff decided to let the Veterans go without any form of meeting or disciplinary documentation. McDonald paid no attention to the amount of training, dedication, and community involvement these Veteran Heroes accomplished while serving Henderson County. The firing of such valued officers will have a negative effect not only on the sheriff's office, but mainly on the safety of Henderson County civilians. Veteran deputies are not made over night, and should not be made to be expendable.

Instead of firing The Highest skilled officers in a department; an honest sheriff would think critically and try to encompass the thoughts and ideas of his Veteran deputies. No alternate solutions were given, and McDonald has clearly acted on the behalf of himself before that of the public. It is degrading to take the lives of truly dedicated Officers, the Heroes of Henderson County, away from them. It is unfair for the community who now has to lose the officers that put their lives on the line to protect Henderson County for over two decades.

Former Deputy Says Firing Was Political

Work bios of men and women fired from sheriff's office

McDonald Foes post online petition

Please share this petition with others to seek Justice for Henderson County, and Demand a response from Charlie McDonald.

The new sheriff of Henderson County left his first mark on the North Carolina community by unreasonably firing at least six of Henderson County's veteran deputies. The combined training hours of just four of these veterans amounted to 12,000, and a total loss of $240,000 in salaries and expenses is now the aftermath of McDonald's wrongdoing. McDonald fired each of these officers without meeting with any of them beforehand. The officers included some who had served Henderson County for over twenty years, and knew the needs of their community long before McDonald had the idea to run for sheriff.

McDonald stated, "The bottom line goes back to what I've said and that is I have the right to hire and supervise and discharge folks as I see fit and I do that within what works."

McDonald's bottom line was also his first line of defense apparently. The new sheriff decided to let the Veterans go without any form of meeting or disciplinary documentation. McDonald paid no attention to the amount of training, dedication, and community involvement these Veteran Heroes accomplished while serving Henderson County. The firing of such valued officers will have a negative effect not only on the sheriff's office, but mainly on the safety of Henderson County civilians. Veteran deputies are not made over night, and should not be made to be expendable.

Instead of firing The Highest skilled officers in a department; an honest sheriff would think critically and try to encompass the thoughts and ideas of his Veteran deputies. No alternate solutions were given, and McDonald has clearly acted on the behalf of himself before that of the public. It is degrading to take the lives of truly dedicated Officers, the Heroes of Henderson County, away from them. It is unfair for the community who now has to lose the officers that put their lives on the line to protect Henderson County for over two decades.

Former Deputy Says Firing Was Political

Work bios of men and women fired from Sheriff's office

McDonald Foes post online petition

Please share this petition with others, as we seek Justice for Henderson County, NC

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