Demand a Domestic Abuse Bill that protects everyone

The UK Government has proposed the first Domestic Abuse Bill in the world. It is expected to be debated in the Commons over the coming weeks/months and we want to ensure two amendments are made to the Bill before it is given Royal Assent:

- The UK government has proposed a domestic abuse bill that only extends to England and Wales. Why has the government worked for 2.5 years on this Bill and yet excluded everyone who lives in Scotland and Northern Ireland? We want a commitment from the government that equivalent Bills will be produced in Scotland and NI.
- People with an insecure immigration status are not protected. Migrants are much less likely to seek help because they fear deportation. The Bill should take into account their even more vulnerable position, not exacerbate it. We want the government to extend the remit of the Bill to include all people in the UK.

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