Help deny Sun News Media's application for Mandatory Coverage.

  • av: Chad Hazzard
  • mottagare: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

The Sun News Network wants you, the Television Viewer, to directly subsidize it to the tune of $18 million a year.  Right now they lose 17 million a year and are in deep financial trouble.

Sun News and  Quebecor Inc. want the CRTC to grant it "mandatory carriage," which means you won't be able to keep it off your TV dial because it would be included in basic cable coverage everywhere in Canada.

The SNN's message of hate and poison has no place in Canadian multicultural media, nor should it be forced upon good, well meaning Canadians.  Please sign this, and it will be presented to the CRTC before the hearing of the Sun's application.  Share with your friends, and lets show the Sun how unwelcome their hate-mongering is in Canada!

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