Allow our dogs to socialise and exercise in a cage free environment

The current licence for the Doggy Den is based on The Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963. This is clearly outdated and does not take any account of the modern concept of a dog socialisation creche. Dog owners place there dogs in a creche like the Doggy Den so that their dogs can enjoy dog care that enables their dog to mix and play with other dogs in a safe environment managed by expert and experienced staff.

To comply with the licence, the Doggy Den has had to purchase 16 kennels which has had a negative impact on the dogs and the growth of the business.

- Dog socialisation/exercise space has been lost in order to accommodate the kennels

- Many dog owners do not believe in caging dogs and want their dogs to be in a cage free environment.

- Many clients or potential clients have asked for another doggy socialisation creche to open in a different part of the city so their dog can enjoy the benefits of this type of care. The cost of the 16 kennels for the Doggy Den on Little London Road was over £20,000. This cost is prohibiting the development of another creche.
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