PLEASE transfer RANDY BAGGETT to the Lifer's program at Everglades Correctional Institution

We are asking Florida Parole Commission (FPC) to transfer Randolph Martin Baggett to the Lifer's program at Everglades Correctional Institution.

Short story:
What would you do if you were seventeen-year-old boy, and you saw your stepfather repeatedly abuse your mother physically,emotionally, and financially?

What would you do if you were that same child,and you saw your stepfather repeatedly abuse your nine- year- old brother physically and emotionally?

What would you do if your stepfather kicked you out of the house when you confronted him about the abuse?

Would you grow to hate him?

What would you do if your mother told you that killing your stepfather was the only way you could be reunited as a family and peace would be restored in the home?

What would you do?

Randolph Martin Baggett, known to his friends as Randy, is the eldest son of Ralph and Mary Baggett. Born Nov. 5th, 1963, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, he was raised in the tradition that as the oldest son he was "the man of the house" when his father was absent, and it was his duty to protect the family.This belief eventually led to murder.

He was seventeen-year-old boy, when his stepfather begin to repeatedly abuse his mother and little brother physically,emotionally, and financially. He confronted him about the abuse but his stepfather kicked him out of the house. At the end, his mother told him that killing his stepfather was the only way they could be reunited as a family and peace would be restored in the home. And unfortunately, Randy killed him. He and sentenced to twenty-five years to life.

Now Randy is eligible for parole, and he needs your help. Despite the many mitigating factors in his case -- Randy's youth at the time of the crime, his Mother's undue influence, stepfather's abusiveness, only one prior felony convictions, exceptional program completion in prison, and a strong support network upon release -- the Florida Parole Commission (FPC) has set his parole date in 2062. He will be 99 years old then.

You can help by contacting the FPC at and asking them to transfer him to the Lifer's program at Everglades Correctional Institution. Release is practically guaranteed upon completing the program.
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