Open the International Charter School in Brooklyn in September 2015

All parents deserve the chance to choose schools that reflect their values and support their child's academic and social development.

The International Charter School of New York (“ICS”) will be a socio-economically diverse, academically rigorous elementary school serving children from Downtown Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Dumbo, Fort Greene and Bedford-Stuyvesant. 

ICS will offer a global curriculum, early language instruction, and rigorous academic instruction that will ensure our graduates will excel at even the most demanding high schools. We are equally committed to our students’ emotional and personal development. Building children's character strengths such as empathy, respect, persistence and honesty is an integral part of the curriculum at ICS.

Brooklyn parents, please help us by indicating your zip code when you sign the petition.  Also, please write in the notes if you have elementary school-aged children. 

Dear Charter School Institute,

We support the application for the International Charter School of New York (“ICS”) to open  in District 13 in Brooklyn in 2014.

There are more than 15,000 children on wait lists for charter schools in central Brooklyn; 800 alone on the list for the Community Roots school in Fort Greene.  

We need more high quality, public school choices for our children. We support ICS’s vision of a school that serves a socio-economically diverse student body by providing them with a rigorous global curriculum that will prepare them for a lifetime of active, engaged citizenship both at home and abroad. 

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Parents interested in learning more about the school are invited to Der Stannknipe (DSK) on Sept. 25, between 6:30 and 8:30 pm for a discussion.

Located at 710 Fulton Street in Ft. Greene, DSK serves food and drinks. We'll have a table reserved in the front.

On Sept. 30th at 6:30 we're meeting at the Ingersoll Community Center (177 Myrtle Avenue).

Come out and meet other parents, Learn More. Invite your friends
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