Stop Pacific Power Smart Meter Extortion and Profiteering!

Oregon Law ORS 756.040 requires the Oregon Public Utilities Commission (OPUC) to "represent the customers of any public utility," to "protect" them "from unjust and unreasonable" practices, and to "obtain" for them "fair and reasonable rates".

Whereas the OPUC approved Pacific Power's smart meters program and "opt out" fees:

  • without public information being disseminated or public testimony being taken
  • without peer reviewed scientific evidence, including health affects of smart meters on people, animals, wildlife, or the environmental, or public safety impacts, such as fire.
  • with Pacific Power charging one of the highest opt out fees in the nation, and misrepresenting the justification for said fee,
  • with knowledge that this extreme fee prohibits many customers from exercising their choice to opt out,

We, the undersigned, petition the CLATSOP COUNTY COMMISSION to issue a MORATORIUM against Pacific Power's levying of any fee whatsoever on customers who choose to "opt out" of the smart meter program until the matter of opt out fees can be properly redressed by the OPUC with full and informed citizen input.

(NOTE: Clatsop County residents only may sign. Do not sign here if you have already signed a paper version of this petition. Thank you!)

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