Have Link And Zelda (or other primary female character) Kiss in Zelda Wii U

So many Zelda fans keep getting their hopes brought up and then shot down when they are led on to think that the emotional tension between Link and Zelda (or whatever primary female character is the motivator in that game) is eventually lead to a kiss, but it never happens. One thinks to Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, Skyward Sword, etc. when they think about the relationship between the protagonist and his counterpart that never comes to fruition. Some of us have been waiting for decades for it to happen. We want it now!

Of course, as Zelda fans, we support Nintendo in their creativity and their agency in deciding how the story will go; however, this does not mean our voices can't be heard, and Nintendo can't be challenged to consider our desires.

Sign this petition and let the love blossom!

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