Demand A Prison Sentence Too Kicks to The Head Now!

    In recent media, people have been killed with Kicks to The head. On Facebook, more and more bullies are beating up people and giving major blows to people's heads. Recent news report man kicked in head with steel toe caps dies 22nd April 2018. 31st July 17 man kicked in head in Basildon town centre dies. Man in Trafulgar Square kicked and punched in head and dies June 3rd. If this does not kill then this should be classed as a tempted murder. This is serious and if life threatening and if not fatal. There has I'm the last week videos on Facebook, with a Glasgow girl being beaten up, and kicked in the head and a lad pouring stuff on her face, corrupting her breathing. Today 26th April in weoley castle a girl being beaten up and booted in the head several times. By young lads also. Hard blows to her head. They will only get a slap on the wrist.... if your 10, 12, 21, 45 you know right from wrong and should be punished the same as if your 12 or 21. This needs to be sorted, before more and more people die.
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