CHILD SAFETY FIRST!!! UR-LIVE , YO-LIVE , (old name. UNICO) These apps need to get removed from Google- and Apple-Stores

  • av: Michaela-T. , Jake.B
  • mottagare: GOOGLE, Apple,Parents, governments, Press, child safety organizations, basically everybody who still has a little bit of moral

YO LIVE & UR LIVE are  camera based live broadcast apps,geared towards children. 

Children are lost there. The apps are perfect for pedophiles, to get contact to kids and easy manipulate them.

It allows live broadcasting with chat for the viewers  
The Broadcasters are mostly underage girls, ages 5-14.
The viewers are sexual predators/pedophiles using the app to engage with children and distribute child pornography. They manipulate the girls with virtual gifts and tell them to do inapropiate things, like showing their body or to start a private broadcast, with only some selected men. In private mode they are undisturbed. 

There is a ranking list in the app. It shows who got the most diamonds. This is a big motivation for the kids, like a competition. The kids literally do everything to get as many gifts as possible. I was shocked, when i noticed how professional some kids are acting there. They know how to get lots of viewers, and how to tease the men to get gifts. 

A ranking list:


It´s not hard for the pedophiles to get the trust of the kids. They also use the app-integrated Message center for private talking to the girls and get  the social medias, for contacting the kids on other apps. Like Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, E-Mail....  There they can do even worse things with them and it´s almost impossible for the kids to get rid of the men.  Most girls don´t even want it to stop. Girls also get blackmailed, if they do not fulfill the pedophiles wishes.

The most "successful" are kin of famous and are idols for the others. They got for example 500.000, one million, or more Diamonds. 

The owner of the app make a lot of money with selling these Diamonds.

Thats why they don´t have any interest to change something. They want to keep the pedophiles, who are willing to pay every price, to get what they are looking for.

Here is a random screenshoot of an account of a "user". He spent 922.000 Diamonds. For 1€/$ they get 70 Diamonds. This means he has spent around 15.000 Dollars for Diamonds. It shows that this app is not just a game, or only has some little issues. 

" Screenshot-20200719-024722

This example should show you, how massive the problem is and how hard the pedos and owners want to keep the app. There are users who have spent  1.5 million, or 3 million. or more diamonds,

I know there are many other broadcast apps. on the market. And i know on all of them there are creepy people and pedos. But YO LIVE and UR LIVE are absolutely not comparable to them.  The Moderators on other apps are trying to do their job as good as possible and to keep it clean.

On YO LIVE only sometimes, randomly a broadcast gets suspended, to let it seem like they do care and follow the law.

Some girls "produce" Videos, almost daily and send them to the pedos, or safe them on memory sticks (which they got by mail from the men), and send them back, when they are done. 

Screenshot-20200719-015932 Screenshot-20200719-020505

these two screenshoots are made in a private chat of a pedophile "gang", They trade videos there, share girls and make new plans. A helpful supporter of me got into the group, with a fake profile and made the screenshoots for me.

The complete structure and the image of the apps is ruined and not repairable. For this reason only a complete removal of the apps would help a bit, for a while. The kids and the pedophile people are connected like a gang. It´s almost impossible to change a girls mind, with telling her how bad these men are. There are way more bad people on the app, than good ones. So in the broadcasts we often are alone against 300 pedophiles and barely have a chance to reach something.  The pedos like to turn the table and often tell us to leave and  we´d  have no life, because we are ruining the fun.  The Kids often block us then.

all this should motivate you people, to subscribe here and to tell your friends to do too.

-------------------------UR LIVE & YO LIVE-------------------------------  


The apps are the replacement for the older app UNICO.

After many reports, after contacting police, schools, and child safety organizations, when the pressure on Google and Apple got to high,  UNICO finally got removed from the stores.

The UNICO distributors were prepared for this case and already published the "new" app "UR LIVE"  and then later "YO LIVE"

The apps are 100% identic with UNICO, also using the same user-data-base. Result: nothing changed

Only the Apps-name changed. Their criminal business continued:

Till today they are destroying, the presence and the future of our weakest creatures.

All this happens in public. Not hidden!!! Everybody could create an account and login. Just 10 minutes on this app is enough, to determine  what this app is intended for.
Not for entertainment, not for communication. It´s only for pedophile purposes.

In the chats they openly ask for child porn trade groups.
They are professional organized.

Describing the whole terrible extent here, would be too much.
The distributors of the app do nothing to the pedophiles. Reporting pedophile comments does not have any consequences. Nothing is done!
Reporting pedophile users also don´t result in a ban. They still are free to say anything they want.

I know, it´s not possible to get rid of the problem completely and forever, but if the apps get removed from the STOREs, it would help at least a little bit. 
Google and Apple are responsible for allowing pedophilia and human trafficking to take place, if they do not remove the app from the Stores.

AT THE MOMENT THE Pedos and Distributors ARE WARNED AND ARE TRYING TO MAKE THE APP LOOK LEGAL, with a more careful actingBUT WHEN THE PUBLIC ATTENTION GETS SMALLER, they just   continue  like before! 

Please HELP!!! to safe the weakest!!

Uppdatera #5ungefär ett år sedan
Another app has the same problems like UNICO.

We need to fight against Likee now.
It is already super bad and intoxicated with pedophiles.
Please spread the Information how dangerous this app is for kids.
Write comments and bad reviews on the Google and Apple Playstore sites of this app. Mention the pedophile issue!!!
Uppdatera #43 år sedan
Update part 2:
Shortly after, the app was deactivated and removed from all app-stores.
The only problem is, that of course, the main issue is not solved.
It is indeed a major disturbance and causes inconvenience in the pedophiles.
But of course everything is done by them, to somehow restart it somewhere else.
On a different app, but with the same disgusting goals.
We will try to find out which way they use and we will update and communicate this here again.
We'll need all your support again!!
Uppdatera #33 år sedan
Very nice news!!!: (all of you are a part of this success)

The app hasn't been available in the Google Store or apple store for a few weeks now.
The app is completely offline.
The pressure was too big. So the app operators first tried to somehow save the app by increasing the minimum age for broadcasting to 16 years.
This made the app of course uninteresting for pedophiles and also for the kids.
There were hardly any broadcasters or spectators left
.Tomorrow i will post Part2 of the update

Uppdatera #24 år sedan
UR LIVE is still active and available in the stores, but the developers already published a new app, to have a replacement, if "UR LIVE" gets banned. (same app, same users, just different app-name "YO LIVE")
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
the distributors of the app "UR Live" are doing the same now, like they did a couple of months ago.
Their first app "UNICO" was banned from Google Store, because of pedofile issues. So they just published the same app again, but with a different name. "UR LIVE".
Now they are doing it again. They know i am trying everything to get the app banned from all stores, so they are already distributing the same app, with new name again.
The name is "YO LIVE" Same user data base , same goal.
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