Open Letter In Light of Recent Events in Charlottesville, VA

    In the light of recent events in Charlottesville, we write as concerned people of Keene and neighboring communities in the region to condemn the hatred and violence directed at fellow human beings in places near and far. We are heartbroken by the death and injuries that have resulted from these expressions of racial and antisemitic hate. We affirm our commitment to the equality and dignity of all people and reject expressions of white supremacy and Neo-Nazism that have been emboldened in our own nation. Likewise, we denounce the acts of terror and identity-based violence that have wounded cities abroad.
    We stand with our neighbors at home and beyond to safeguard those who have been targeted. Recognizing that the forces being unleashed lead toward further violence, we call on all people of good will to continue to shape the arc of history to bend toward justice in our daily lives and actions.
    Here in Keene, and throughout the Monadnock Region, we remain steadfast in our commitment to be inclusive and resist fear – welcoming all who visit, live, learn, work and play here. All are welcome here. Hate is not.
    Concerned citizens of Keene and the Monadnock region – affiliations for identification purposes only:

    Jennifer Carroll, Director of Education, Historical Society of Cheshire County
    Cynthia Cheshire, Director & Campus Minister, Newman Campus Ministry (on behalf of Interfaith Clergy Association of Keene)
    Chris Coates, County Administrator, Cheshire County
    Mark F. Howard, Chief, City of Keene Fire Department
    Jay Kahn, State Senator, District 10
    Henry Knight, Director, Cohen Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Keene State College
    Kendall Lane, Mayor, City of Keene
    Rabbi Amy Loewenthal
    Robert Malay, SAU 29 Superintendent of Schools
    Dottie Morris, Assoc. Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Keene State College
    Celia Rabinowitz, Dean of Mason Library, Keene State College
    Eli Rivera, Sheriff, Cheshire County
    Steve Russo, Chief, Keene Police Department
    Phil Suter, President and CEO, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
    Melinda Treadwell, President, Keene State College
    Tom White, Coordinator of Educational Outreach, Cohen Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Keene State College
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