Demand a stop to Fat Guy Across America Scamming Money

  • av: Gabby Henry
  • mottagare: all citizens who are against Frauds and Scammers

Fat Guy Across America started this journey in early 2015 to ride his bike across America from East coast to West coast to Loose weight, get healthy and get his life back together,so he could gain useful employment and have a future. As of today he has only rode 800 miles and now has a personal trainer and a diet that provides his food for him. as of today he is begging for money,to finish this journey,(Has received $15,000 + in Go Fund Me and ???? amount in PayPal , plus personal donation and goods(including a free bike This has turned into a vacation and a way of life so he doesn't have to get healthy and earn a living PLEASE SIGN AND LETS GET THIS STOPPED

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