Justice for Tasered 8 Months Pregnant Woman!

Police in Chicago used a Taser on an African-American woman who is 8 months pregnant because she parked in a handicapped parking space. 

Tiffany Rent parked there because she was trying to calm down her 3-year-old daughter. She tried to explain what happened, but they wouldn't listen. Instead, they gave her a ticket for $200.

The police, who had blocked her in, started insulting her -- one told her to call Jesse Jackson -- and Rent got into her car because she was scared. They tasered her through the window, and her boyfriend, Joseph Hobbs, had his elbow dislocated while trying to protect her. This all happened in front of her children. 

Rent and Hobbs were taken into custody and charged with resisting arrest and simple assault. Rent was taken to the hospital for treatment and may have to deliver her baby early because of the stress.

Please tell the Chicago Police Department to do a full investigation of this incident and get justice for Tiffany Rent! 

Please do a full investigation of what happened to Tiffany Rent -- an African-American woman who is 8-months-pregnant and was tasered for parking in a handicapped parking space.

Get justice for Tiffany Rent! 

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