Demand the Trump-appointed judge recuse herself from his indictment!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Judge Aileen Cannon

Donald Trump has FINALLY been indicted for stealing classified documents — but the case is already hitting a major roadblock in the form of Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump-appointed judge who has been assigned to oversee his indictment case.

Cannon already has a history of issuing rulings in Trump's favor, including what many legal experts saw as an extraordinary decision to approve a so-called "special master" to review the documents seized by the FBI. She tried to bar federal agents from reviewing classified documents until a federal appeals court threw out her ruling.

Tell Judge Cannon to step away from the Trump case!

It's obvious from her previous actions that Cannon is compromised and indebted to Donald Trump and cannot be trusted to behave in an objective, nonpartisan manner.

This prosecution is far too important to be derailed by one of Trump's loyal cronies. Trump knowingly violated the law and cannot be allowed to skate free using his network of influence the way he has for his entire life.

Demand the Trump-appointed judge recuse herself from his indictment case!

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