Charter Spectrum: The Berkshires demand access to Massachusetts news and sports!

In early June 2018 Berkshire-based cable consumers will no longer be able to watch WCVB, Channel 5 out of Boston through their Charter Spectrum service. This is the second time the cable company has eliminated access to broadcasting that allows them to keep up with Massachusetts news, sports, culture, and government. Last year WWLP Ch. 22 in Springfield was blacked out. While geographically we are as far removed as possible from the state capital of Boston, Spectrum's cancellation of WCVB from Berkshire airwaves will further distance western Massachusetts residents by removing a major source of broadcast news, sports and information. While under FCC guidelines it is legal for the cable giant to only offer one broadcast affiliate, there is no rule against giving Berkshire consumers access to both NY and MA channels - and for decades that is what has been done. Berkshire County officials and residents have been vocal in their opposition to this decision. We stand united in demanding that Charter Spectrum honor the commitments they made to their Berkshire consumers and TURN WCVB and WWLP BACK ON. The Berkshires are western Mass -- not east Albany!

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