Demand Access to Learning Tools

  • av: Favour Akinjiyan
  • mottagare: New York Institute of Technology and Blackboard

Over the years, the cost of education has risen significantly. In the past 30 years, the cost of education has increased by 1120% (1). Also, interest rates on student loans are on the rise. In 2013, student loan rates doubled (2). At the New York Institute of Technology, undergraduate tuition rates have increased 31% in the past 5 years (3,4). Therefore, it is imperative that the quality of education improves consequently. In recent times also, the digitization of learning has become popular. Specifically, online learning platforms like Blackboard, Google classrooms and Mc-Graw Hill Connect have become highly sought after. Accessibility and ease of use are some reasons why the development and use of apps have become mainstream. Blackboard is the online learning platform for choice at NYIT. Like many other learning platforms, Blackboard has an app, but this app requires a monthly subscription fee of $5.99 per year. Given the constant rise in tuition and college fees, NYIT students should have free access to Blackboard Learn on mobile platforms


This petition requests that the New York Institute of Technology reaches a consensus with Blackboard such that students don’t have to pay extra money for the app. This consensus can come in the form of Institutional Access to Blackboard mobile, paid in full by the school.
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