End waste of money on Edenbridge pedestrian signs and alleyway re-opening now!

  • av: Laura H
  • mottagare: Edenbridge Town Council

Edenbridge Town Council wants to spend money on several very large pedestrian signs ( 2metres tall by 63 cm wide) in order to increase consumer spending on our High Street. We already have pedestrian signs and Edenbridge is a very simple town to find one's way around in. There is no evidence provided that these signs will make any difference whatsoever to increasing the economic success of our High Street. The project will cost at least £30,000.

In addition, they wish to open up a pedestrian walkway into the free public car park to one way traffic into the car park. This alleyway was closed off a few years ago as part of High Street improvements. It will cost an unstated amount of money to move the bollards, make safe pavements for the home and nursery school on each side of the alleyway, re do the lines and signs in the car park to match up with the new traffic flow in the car park, and change in where one can park due to the new traffic flows. The market will have to move further back into the car park on market days and even more parking spaces will be lost on market days. It is a backward step being sold to us as an improvement.

There was one public consultation event and the results from it are not reliable and part of it has been incorrectly analysed.

Stop this waste of money now and spend our money on things that are needed and which will make a positive difference to Edenbridge.

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
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