Boycott the film I just thought up

There is a petition going around to boycott the sequel to 'Zoolander', the so-called "Zoolander 2'. It has been started, and signed, by people who haven't seen the film, have no context for the characters, or have any real idea of the script or storyline. Nevertheless, they are outraged. I recently thought up a movie and it deeply offended me. It hasn't been made, nor does anybody else know about it. But, at some point in the future, it might get produced. It probably won't. But if it did, it would be a travesty. We should not have to put up with movies such as the one I just imagined and it should be boycotted before it's had the chance to be written. 

Please sign the petition to prevent this imaginary film ever being made by people who haven't even thought it up yet. We are the uninformed public, and our voices must be heard. Abort this movie! We want an abortion!

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