Demand the Azachorok Board of Directors Advance the 2018 Annual Shareholders Meeting to May 2018

  • av: Marlene F
  • mottagare: Azachorok Shareholders

The Azachorok Board of Directors had questionable and invalid meetings in November and December 2017 and passed resolutions to investigate the President & CEO without following proper protocols set in place, the Azachorok Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics were recently updated and adopted by the prior board. The current Chair has disregarded the polices and procedures allowing Director Hess to push for an investigation on the CEO without due process. Directors Joyce Lee, John Agwiak, Howard Peterson and Felix Hess have allowed and supported this unwarranted investigation. In nearly three months, the board has continued to hold the CEO on suspension costing the corporation hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions in ramifications.

The board actions have caused enormous financial harm on the subsidiary Azachorok Contract Services LLC, resulting in increased risk in the termination of the Small Business Administration 8(a) program with a loss of over $2.1 million dollars in a poorly executed acquisition of the new subsidiary.

The Directors named above have failed to address and resolve the issue and have breached their fiduciary duty of care to the corporation and loyalty to shareholders. We the shareholders of Azachorok demand the Board of Directors to hold the 2018 Annual Shareholders Meeting in May at Mountain Village to elect new Directors for the expiring seats.

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