Demand Affordable, Quality Health Care, Urge Officials to Take Action

The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the need for common sense insurance reform so Americans can feel confident that they have access to the care they need, when they need it.

Even before the pandemic, Americans were struggling with major barriers to getting care. Rising out-of-pocket costs, prior authorization requirements for tests, treatments and medications that jeopardize care, and inequalities that disproportionately impact people of color are unacceptable.

They must be addressed.

The consumer burden of higher health care costs keeps growing as deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, junk insurance plans, and restrictions on the use of money-saving coupons for prescription medicines increase. Now more than ever we need common sense insurance reforms that protect consumers, cover needed care, and improve health care coverage nationwide.

Take action today and demand Congress prioritize consumers in the health care debate with common sense reforms.
Dear Representative,

As a constituent that cares about quality, affordable health care for all Americans, I am writing to ask you to support common sense insurance reform. The consumer burden of health care costs continues to grow as deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, and restrictions on the use of money-saving coupons for prescription medicines increase.

I am writing to ask you that you prioritize consumers in the health care debate with common sense reforms. Even before the pandemic, Americans were struggling with significant barriers to getting care. Rising out-of-pocket costs, prior authorization requirements for tests, treatments and medications that jeopardize care, and inequalities that disproportionately impact people of color are unacceptable.

These barriers must be addressed.

Now more than ever we need common sense insurance reforms that protect consumers, cover needed care, and improve health care coverage nationwide.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
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