Start the STOP! Get more traffic signs to protect our children, improve our community, and SAVE lives!

      I currently live  in a school zone here in Thief River Falls, MN where I raise my 6 children. What scares me is our lack of effort, and  concern when it comes to how we direct traffic in this town.

      Trust me when I say that I wish I was exaggerating when I state that I have personally seen over 50+ near crashes at our intersection here on Duluth Avenue South, which is in a school zone at that. Not to mention the actual accidents that have already happened! I have came inches away from being t-boned not once but four times in two years! Each time the other vehicle would of smashed right into the back of my car where my children are located. That concerns me, so I'm done complaining about it, now I'm seeking results by taking action! To make matters worse  I have seen many kids lives in danger as they walk the streets to and from the high school where they go to get their much needed education, they aren't in a vehicle so there would be nothing to absorb some of the blow!

      I strongly believe that we need more traffic signs such as stop signs,and  yield signs in place through out the community. Unless we want to continue this way and hope that drivers are all being attentive, and responsible! I've never been to a town that had so many " free for all" intersections. It's like leaving all of our lives in the hands of a magic 8 ball. The results are random. 

      Right now there aren't many traffic signs in place at intersections in fact there are more empty intersections than there are ones with a stop sign, or yelled sign. so people just drive aimlessly, not paying attention to what's going on, or assuming the other person will stop. It's not safe! The cost of signs is nothing compared to priceless, innocent lives! We all need to take responsibility for what goes on in our town! Think what if it was your child, grandchild, friend, or family member being the one who's life is in danger each day as they do needed everyday things like drive to the store, walk to school, or head to church.

     We need to take action before there are issues, not after! So please help me in petitioning for more traffic signs in the city of wonderful Thief River Falls! We owe it to our community, and each other!  So speak up Thief River Falls

Make a difference and "start the needed stop".

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