The Hey Dude Petition

  • av: Doug Reiner
  • mottagare: Herb Scannel, President of Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon, the "First Kid's Network"
We, the once young viewers of Nickelodoen dearly miss the TV show Hey Dude - produced from 1989 to 1991, and reruns running until 1999 - and want to see it back on the air.
The year was 1989; a new show was being produced at the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch, near Tucson Arizona. This show would run on Nickelodeon, with episodes being produced until 1991. Unfortunately, January 23, 1999 marked the end of the re-runs. The episodes were locked away to never be shown again. Fans have tried to get the shows to be shown again by writing letters to Nickelodeon, but to no avail.

Now, we are speaking out. We want to see Hey Dude on TV again. We believe that you guys can come to some compromise, and release the episodes on VHS/DVD, or even easier, get them back on T.V for all generations, young and old, to watch. The only way we can get to watch the TV shows is illegally through popular peer to peer softwares like KaZaa, which is very risky. We also don't want to be subjected to legal action.

We have now spoken, and our request (or demand) has been made. Please put this show back on the air.

Upon completion, this petition will be sent to:

Cinetel Productions - Production Company that produced Hey Dude. Recently re-named to Scripps Productions.

Nickelodeon Studios Florida

Nickelodeon Studios Hollywood

Herb Scannel - president of Nickelodeon U.S.A

Nickelodeon Australia

Nickelodeon U.K

Dee LaDuke - Creator of Hey Dude, also was writer for several episodes
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